Theatre Dance Academy pictures from Dance Magazine photo shoot. See if you recognize any of TDA dancers.
Dance Magazine photo shoot
Theatre Dance Academy pictures from Dance Magazine photo shoot. See if you recognize any of TDA dancers.
Dance Magazine photo shoot
The show must go on, as the saying goes, and the stage manager is the one responsible for making sure that happens. Like the conductor of a symphony orchestra, the stage manager coordinates the activity of the dancers and crew during rehearsals and performances of a show. Stage managers give cues for lighting and sound, oversee rapid set changes and make sure dancers are in place. And that's only part of the stage manager's job. At theatre Dance Academy the year end show gives dancers a first hand view of this lights, costume changes, set changes just like a real show .This can dancers for jobs and performances. If you have questions about Theatre Dance Academy please give us a call (905- 435-0762).